The 3rd most popular post of 2012!
Have you ever thought that Creativity may actually keep you from being a senior leader in your church or organization? According to a survey done last year for the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology most people are attracted to leaders who remove risk and actually support and reinforce the status quo.
This is scary.
With the speed of our world and the turbulence for which we face daily, creativity should not only be encouraged but also championed as a trait of leadership that will help our organizations stay competitive and aggressive. The problem is, creative leaders come with stereotypes: Unreliable, Risky, Lazy, Forgetful, Aloof, Arrogant, Self-Consumed…and the list goes on and on.
The truth, most of these stereotypes are not true.
Our organizations need new and fresh ideas. As creative professionals it is our responsibility start destroying these and other stereotypes. It is time for us to be who God created us to be, in his image, creative leaders. We have the opportunity to set a new stereo-type: Passionate, Carrying, Desperately seeking new results, Hard working, Sensitive, In touch with emotion that creates connection, introspective, strategic, and willing to do whatever necessary to share the absolute most important story ever told in an attempt to help people experience life change.
It’s not something that we can do…it is something we must do.
We can lead and still be creative…and we will.
I’d hate to say it, but I agree. The creative people I have encountered are very unreliable and they agree to do more than they can really handle. Also, from my experience, they have trouble asking for help if they bit off more than they can chew.
I hope you had a chance to catch the point of this article. Without some level of creativity, our organizations are in big trouble.
Yes, definitely got your point. However, I’m not as creative as others, but I get the job done. Others I’ve come into contact with don’t.
I tend to think that the very creative people should be under some sort of management or have a boss unless they are visionaries like Steve Jobs.