One of the things I love about technology is how it has made the creativity accessible to everyone. There was once a day people could not record albums on their computers or make movies on cards. It all required expensive alternatives. Today anyone with an idea, a phone, and a computer can create almost anything. Technology has removed some excuses and permissioned us to be more brave in our creation.
A few years ago a young producer in Australia had the idea of taking old Disney films and remixing them with tracks he had created. Quickly they became YouTube sensations. So much so that Disney brought him in and asked him to start creating teaser remixes for films that had not yet been released. POGO found a way to take art, remix it, and turn it into something of his own. He took a chance and started creating based on his idea, not because someone told him to and not after he received permission. He let his ideas and his art creating the opportunity.
Here is the first piece pogo created 4 years and 9 million YouTube views ago:
And the first one he was hired to do for Disney:
And my fave:
Pogo had a dream…and he chased it. He followed his passion. He created his art and from his art he found a new career that changed his life.
Why do we allow fear to rob us from creating our art? Why do we feel we need permission to create when really our art creates permission for others to feel? It’s time to be brave.
What idea are you holding on to that need to be exposed? What have you held of creating waiting for permission when it has already been given to you and is just waiting for you to act?
Your art just might save someone’s life, but not if you are too afraid to share it with the rest of us.