Scott Biersack’s motivational chalkboard lettering
Creativity is all about courage. The courage to stand alone, when nobody else is there. – Brenda Johima
We start with an idea.
Usually it’s not a good idea – it’s just an idea.
Ideas start conversations that birth other ideas – better ideas – until we get the right idea.
But, we NEVER get there if we’re not brave enough to:
- Be brave.
- Be audacious.
- Be courageous
- Step out and share.
- Vocalize your idea.
- Become vulnerable.
- Be willing to fail.
- Take a chance.
- Take the risk.
- Start.
- Start again.
- Keep working.
- Never settle.
- Finish.
Being creative is not about being cool, it’s about being brave enough to ignore safety.
Being creative isn’t about knowing the answer, it’s about being willing enough to ask harder questions.
It doesn’t take the most creative person to ignite great ideas, just the person brave enough to try something different.
Will you be brave today?