Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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5 Things To Remember When Marketing Easter In Your Church
4 Things Tim Tebow Can Teach You About Being Creative
Yesterday Tim Tebow got his first hit as a professional baseball player. As I watched the most covered single in a long time a few things resonated with me about Tim Tebow. There are a lot of parallels between Tebow the athlete and you the artist: He is living a...
“Thats Good Enough” is never good enough
“Not everybody can be famous but everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” ― Martin Luther King Jr. When I worked at Cross Point, roughly every six or eight weeks, we would hold a meeting for potential music team volunteers. This meeting...
Why You Lose Your Best Volunteers and Staff!
It hurts when people leave. It’s been said that people don’t quit organizations, they quit people. There are a million reasons why, over time, we can lose talented volunteers or staff members. Sometimes it’s circumstantial. Other times, it’s just a natural pattern of...
Do You Ever Question The Answer?
Part of digging in to the depth of great creativity and leadership is asking questions. Life is fast and busy so we often accept the first answer that is given…even if it is not the right answer. “Better to have an answer than have no answer”…but is it? Author Kent...
Don’t be “THAT GUY” – How your actions are crushing people
Asking questions is vital to a team’s success. Knowing when to ask them is an art. We have all been in those brainstorming meetings where we are trying our best to be brave and share an idea we know is only half baked but we think that if we can just get it out it...
How To Get A New Idea! Chasing your fascinations.
What fascinates you? Fascination is where our imagination goes to play. Our best and most creative ideas are created from the things that occupy our fascination. When we allow ourselves to follow our fascinations, we can quickly accelerate the amount of good ideas we...
MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
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