Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
Do You engage in the Liminal Space? What is that anyway?
Our best and most inventive opportunities exist beyond what we are used to…beyond what we know…and far beyond our status quo. What if we lived in an environment where we had the space for our best ideas to thrive? What you might not know about me is that I secretly...
MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
Here is some of the stuff we found on the web this week we hope inspires you to create your absolute best stuff this week. [gallery...
Trust God & Give It All You Got!
Momentum if a funny thing. It is never neutral. We are either progressing or regressing. So every morning, when we get out of bed, we have choices to make that are going to point us in a direction. Andy Stanley calls it the "principle of the of pathway" and what it...
MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
The Questions You Should Answer…Peter’s Laws.
Have you heard of Peter Diamandis? I mean, this dude went to MIT AND Harvard. Now he runs the first private space flight organization taking civilians to the international space station. One of the most interesting things about Peter is his creation of “Peter’s Laws”...
MONDAY // Graphic Design Inspiration
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. Where are you living?
Warren Buffett once said that “the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – There are only 3 days that matter. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Yesterday is good for remembering what has happened. Learning from history but not allowing ourselves to get...
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