Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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Why Settling For The First Answer Is Destroying Your Leadership.
Part of digging into the depth of great creativity and leadership is asking questions. Life is fast and busy, so we often accept the first answer that is given…even if it is not the right answer. “Better to have an answer than have no answer”…but is it?...
The One Reason Your Organization Doesn’t Innovate!
“Organizations don’t innovate. People do.” – M.Ditkoff That is the one reason. But why? Author Mitch Ditkoff is a leading voice on innovation. In fact, Ditkoff recently was ranked as one of the top 5 speakers in the world on this subject. In a recent...
If You Can Identify What You Control, You Can Start To Thrive
I believe we all know life can be frustrating. Every day we have to balance opportunity, opposition, distraction, and enjoyment. Sometimes we do it well, other times we fail. It's not abnormal to do both on the same day. Andy Stanley says all the time...
Is Your Team Ready To Be SUPER UNCOMMON?
One of the most significant joys of my life has been pouring into young developing leaders. I don't buy into the whole millennials suck thing. I think that there are as many lazy 45-year-olds are there are 25-year-olds. All that to say that developing...
Can You Risk Not Gambling On Yourself?
When I was a kid, the idea of gambling was not acceptable. It’s kind of ironic that now there’s not a day that passes where I don’t have to gamble on something, and I would guess that you are risking a lot more every day than you realize. Every time you...
The One Thing Great Leaders Know That Others Don’t.
Do you know the one thing amazing leaders know that average leaders don't? They know who they are. For years I have battled this identity crisis. Not in a crazy way, but in the way of who I knew I was made to be and then how I allowed the expectations,...
Adoption, Mexican Food, The Gap and Why You Can’t Disown Your Kids
Birthdays are kind of crazy for me. I am not a fan of my own, but I love when we get to celebrate yours. Silly, right? A lot of my people are born on this day. My little brother, a few of my best friends, and my son. It is crazy to think he is 16 today. We...
You Probably Don’t Think It’s Possible But One Year I Ruined Easter! Here Is The Story.
You are in the throughs of your Easter prep right now. You are probably so stressed and have so much going on that you should not even be reading this blog post. Congrats on taking a break because breaks help you do better work. Second, I won't tell anyone...
YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS SONG! Cross Point Is Making A Difference
It is no secret, I LOVE Cross Point Chruch! These people are my family. This team is amazing. I adore everything they do and there is nothing that I could ever say bad about them. Sure, I left, but that had so much more to do with the damage done to me and...
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