Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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What If I Fail?
The nature of art is about taking risks. We want to create things that have never been built, do things no one has done, and try things that have not been tried. When we become audacious, it forces us to accept that taking risks leaves us exposed to what some may call...
3 tools that will make you a better creative leader
Have you ever wondered what to do in that moment when everything feels like it is falling apart? Sadly, this is not something college taught me to navigate. Through leading teams, there are a couple of consistent principles that I have found to be true: 1. When things...
We Launched A Podcast
Simple is really hard!
I love this quote from Steve Jobs: “Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.” SIMPLE is actually really hard. If we make...
If we are friends on INSTA, you probably have picked up that I am on tour with the team from SALT right now. A couple of days ago, in a city in the midwest, I got super convicted. A new friend walked up to me, and he didn't know he was about to say something...
No More Excuses!
Every day we are going to get better or worse but we will never stay the same. One of the biggest reasons innovation doesn’t soar in the organization is because amazing people like us fall victim to excuses. Excuses are a waste of time and energy. Excuses like: I...
God Cares About Your Fear
Warren Buffett once said that “the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” – We always have a reason to look back. But often times looking back is just a trap. It can be a trap because our success can make us comfortable and our failure can paralyze us...
Embrace The Crazy! The Search For Diverse Thinking?
I like to call it “chemistry experiments”. Anytime we add a new style, personality, thinker, voice into our process it changes the chemistry of the team dynamic. I think if we are to stay fresh as a team we have a responsibility to always be tinkering with the...
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