Anyone who is worth their salt creatively struggles with the idea of getting up tomorrow and doing the same thing they did last week. As creative people, we have the spirit of a pioneer and it is that spirit that forces us to explore something new. At the core of moving from where we are today to our next level creatively requires us to embrace our inner pioneer as well as avoid becoming complacent in the work and place we are today.

So today you are ready to get going. You are ready to move to the “next level”. What are you going to do? Here are a few suggestions on how to start your journey to your next level:
Every detail matters. Details are the difference between good stuff and great stuff. Paying attention to details may not seem creative, but it takes art, design, experiences, and environments to over-the-top levels when we invest the time in making sure that everything that could possibly be addressed gets addressed. When we have a desire to go to the next level, we have to remember to invest in the last 10%. The first 90% creates something good while the last 10% (the 10% that requires the type of effort, work, and attention that most people are unwilling to invest) is what makes our good art become great! Don’t settle for good stuff. You are great and greatness is just 10% more away.

Check out the rest of this article at SundayMag.TV…..

Do you know how to convert your digital guests to attendees?

How will you connect digital guests and convert them to actual attendees? We are in the middle of the most disruptive season in history when it pertains to the methods of doing Church. The box that we have been using for the past 50 to 60 years broke in two weeks. So now what? This Video + PDF will help your team: – How to connect with digital guests – Ways to identify people online – How to move our new digital friends into a digital community.