When we start any new endeavor, we really have nothing to lose. We know we’re going to have to do some things different than everyone else or we’re never going to break through the clutter. We have this belief that we can do something that no one has done before – so, we go for it. And why not?
Then, we fail.
We try something else. And we may have to even repeat this process a couple of times until, one day, it actually works. We start to have success. Our success propels us forward. We start to gain momentum and people start to notice. At first, it’s intoxicating, but then we realize that the same people who were noticing are now duplicating what we do…and our success has become the new norm – or the formula.
At one moment we may have been flattered by this. Now, we’re bothered. The same instincts on the inside that made us uncomfortable being “normal” at the beginning are now screaming that we have become the norm. We are thankful for our success, but we’re uneasy because we know in order to really live – to really “succeed” – we are going to have to change. We know that, as soon as we have become the norm, it’s time to blow it up and try something new or we’re not going to really be living.
This time it’s much more difficult. We have momentum. We have responsibility. We have set expectations. While we desire to chase our hearts and instincts – the same ones that propelled us to succeed – we are scared. What if it doesn’t work this time? What if we fail? What if people don’t like it? What if people don’t like us? What if we become “odd” again? What if we stop being applauded? What if….?
But what if it does!
What will you do?
We were born to do this. Let’s not waste this opportunity. Without you following that voice we can’t move forward. Don’t Be Safe.
Whenever I start worrying about whether I will fail at my dreams, I remind myself that it took Thomas Edison almost 100 attempts to create the light bulb. If he would have failed the first time and gave up, or been too afraid of failure that he didn’t even start, we might not even have light. If the dream is worth it, it’s worth failing at a few times.
Well said.
Great post, man.
There’s such a pressure on the “successful” to remain successful. The problem with that is for someone with a creative or entrepreneurial spirit, success is a rest stop on a highway of failures, setbacks, and “opportunities for learning.” Personally, I feel like people look at me like I’m crazy when I talk about wanting to try new things: “You have it made,” they say. “Why would you ever want to give up the stability and success you have.”
Why would I? Because I believe there’s more out there for me to create. Foolishness is what it is, but wisdom doesn’t necessarily mean maintaining your status quo.