What makes you show up every day?

Why do you keep coming back? Is it because you need the money? Do you live to create the art?

Why do you show up?

Take a minute. Pull out a pen. Write on a sticky note the answer.

Now, the next time that you are upset, that your idea gets rejected, that you feel like a failure, that you wish you could give up and walk away pull out that sticky note. XXXXX is why you show up and we need you to keep showing up.

If you don’t have an answer, start praying and asking yourself why you keep showing up and why you love what you do!

We are all in this together. Lets not let each other quit.

Also, leave a comment in the comments of why you show up.

Do you know how to convert your digital guests to attendees?

How will you connect digital guests and convert them to actual attendees? We are in the middle of the most disruptive season in history when it pertains to the methods of doing Church. The box that we have been using for the past 50 to 60 years broke in two weeks. So now what? This Video + PDF will help your team: – How to connect with digital guests – Ways to identify people online – How to move our new digital friends into a digital community.