Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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3 Things Leaders Need To Know – Video Chat –
There are probably a million things that every leader needs to know to be successful. Today we are talking about three, with a little bonus, and these are things that have helped me create lift and momentum in my leadership and I believe they will have the...
The 4 Things You Can Do Today To Reduce Stress And Reclaim Your Creativity!
Do you ever feel stressed? Honestly, I think I feel it every day. Between trying to be a great dad, at least as good of a husband as my wife's friends husbands, being a leader for my team, finances, sickness, relationships, job stuff, fighting for the best...
10 Reasons Why You Keep Failing!
We learn more in times of failure than we do in times of success. I wish when I had started working in creative fields someone would have pulled me aside and explained some of the traps that would try to keep me from succeeding. Pitfalls like getting so busy I forget...
How to make sure your best ideas win, today!
In 1939 James Webb Young, an advertising executive created the “Technique for Producing Ideas.” This list may be older than anyone reading this blog, the concepts are not only still relevant they work. Welcome to today's history lesson. Every week in our churches you...
How To Identify Burn Out. 9 signs you are about to crash.
No matter who you are or how great of a leader you may be, there are seasons in your life and ministry where you will flirt with burnout. Over the course of years of working in the church, I have experienced symptoms and seasons of burnout. Painfully, I have even...
If you doubt that your work matters, this post will change your opinion.
If I am completely transparent, I want to be courageous and create dope stuff but there is one thing that stops me from going the last 10%, and it is fear! Fear sucks. I hate the idea that this emotion is strong enough to keep us from all God has planned and designed...
There is NO shame in dealing with Anxiety & Depression
I have walked through a very intense two years. Stuff I never thought would happen to and around us, happened. I found myself on certain days carrying far more than I have been equipped to lead through. It created some severe anxiety in my life. Thankfully, Jackie...
Need a FREE Easter Graphic? How about 3?
Easter is in 48 days (as of Mon, FEB 12)! Now that you have picked yourself up off of the floor, are you ready? We all live in the tension of series planning, special events, and the need to get things done. Sometimes, even significant weekends that have been on the...
Get More Out Of Your Team!
There are few things in the world more fragile than the psyche of people. Fragility is not isolated to the artist; everyone – at some time or another – has battled doubt, the feeling of inadequacy, and the fear of not being accepted or doing a good enough job. As...
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