Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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Are You Living In Your Sweet Spot?
It takes intentionality to live in our sweet spots. Organizations, teams, job or whatever is not created to set us up to be our best, they are set up to achieve an objective. That’s the nature of a position. So we have to be intentional to be our creative best by...
Your Pastor Doesn’t Hate Your Work
It might be time to stop being so sensitive. We have all been there before. We spend hours, days, and energy on a design or a song, or a new idea and we are hyped about it! We show up to the meeting with our new “thing” ready to pitch, and the response we get is less...
Can Turning The Calendar Turn Around Your Creativity?
It’s a new year which is full of excitement and possibility. It is funny how the flip of the calendar can cause a flip in our approach to life, work, relationships, and opportunities. I think one of the best things we can do as creative leaders is to find ways to...
How To Set Goals That Will Win!
How To Deal With Criticism
Art is not as easy as data. Data is cold, lifeless, and not emotional. When criticism is aimed at data very quickly the truth is identified, evaluated, and then we move forward. But art is connected to its creator…the artist, you. When we create art a small little...
For most of us, we go into our weekly meetings with our boss in one of two postures. The first and most dangerous is when we walk in and expect our boss to tell us exactly what to do. YIKES. We have just moved from being a leader to a doer. Your boss should never have...
Turn a failure into a lesson. 9 prompts to help you beat down an L
You need to fail. Failure leads to innovation. When we learn from our mistakes, and we choose to reframe failure as opportunity rather than the kiss of death we set ourselves up to actually innovate. There is no innovation without setbacks. If our goal is to avoid...
Some people work best when they’re alone. But, even the loners need a sounding board from time to time. The more time we spend with teams, the more we realize that great art gets better when the right team is built. When we couple a great team with talent, vision, and...
One Thing You Need To Add To Your Weekly Meeting
Several years ago I kept hearing a haunting conversation happening in the halls and in meetings. “I wish I could prioritize being creative.” “I don’t have time to invest in my own creativity.” “If only we could prioritize being creative.” Basically, our team had...
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