by admin | Apr 28, 2015 | Creativity, encourage, inspiration, Leadership
Remember the first day on the job? You arrived early, butterflies running sprints in your belly, excitement in the air, and the belief that anything is possible. Being a rookie is not only awesome, it’s filled with potentially disastrous land mines. If only...
by admin | Apr 22, 2015 | Creative, Creativity, encourage, inspiration, Leadership
Art is not as easy as data. Data is cold, lifeless, and not emotional.
When criticism is aimed at data very quickly the truth is identified, evaluated, and then we move forward. But art is connected to its creator…the artist.
When we create art a small little...
by admin | Apr 10, 2015 | Church, Creative, Creativity, inspiration, Leadership
“Creativity comes from trust. Trust your instincts. And never hope more than you work.” -Rita Mae Brown So often we discount our ability because of our insecurity. We find excuses and reasons we should not be our best and hide behind them leaving our potential to...
by admin | Apr 7, 2015 | Creative, Creativity, encourage, Leadership
I have found that there are two types of artists: artists who are frustrated athletes and artists who have no athletic inkling in their DNA. It’s like the Hattfields and the McCoys – very little gray area. Regardless of which camp you call home, the accomplishments...
by admin | Jan 27, 2015 | Church, Creative, Creative Process, Creativity, Leadership
Asking questions is vital to a team’s success. Knowing when to ask them is an art. We have all been in those brainstorming meetings where we are trying our best to be brave and share an idea we know is only half baked but we think that if we can just get it out it...
by admin | Jan 15, 2015 | Creative, Creativity, Leadership
Creativity is a battle. It’s fighting for great and refusing to settle for good. It’s being willing to fight and do hard work to develop something new, better, different, unique, awesome. It is an honor to get to lead creative teams into battle every day. From time to...