Do you GET TO or do you have to?

Do you GET TO or do you have to?

Why do you do wake up? What motivates you to create the art you are creating? Do you have a passion for what you are doing everyday or has it become mundane? We GET the chance to create art every single day. We GET TO build things and simplify things.  We have the...
Everything We Do Is Leadership

Everything We Do Is Leadership

I was asked the other day what is the biggest lesson that I am learning right now? The answer is simple. Everything I do is Leadership. What do I mean? Everything you say as a leader carries weight. Measure your words and your opinions. You set the tone. Every...
My Approach Matters More Than I Care To Admit

My Approach Matters More Than I Care To Admit

I have been thinking a lot lately about the fact that how I approach my work can actually be more important the work that I am doing. I need to be focused as a leader on how I approach my work and the people I work with. There are some traits that I am noticing are...
Have You Ever Forgot To Lead?

Have You Ever Forgot To Lead?

Leadership is intangible, and therefore no weapon ever designed can replace it. – Omar N. Bradley There are a few traits that creative leaders have to remember. Sometimes we just need a little check up to remind us the influence that our leadership carries and the...

Do you know how to convert your digital guests to attendees?

How will you connect digital guests and convert them to actual attendees? We are in the middle of the most disruptive season in history when it pertains to the methods of doing Church. The box that we have been using for the past 50 to 60 years broke in two weeks. So now what? This Video + PDF will help your team: – How to connect with digital guests – Ways to identify people online – How to move our new digital friends into a digital community.