Thoughts on leadership, creativity. I hope you are inspired.
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The Difference Between Coming Back and Going Back
There is a difference between coming back and going back. You can't ever go back. Going back means you think you are going to walk back into a situation and it is like it has always been. Coming back is different. When you come back...
11 things every leader needs to know about creative leadership
God has been so kind to allow us to work with some fantastic churches, artists, conferences, and organizations in our life. One of the greatest gifts in my life is walking with and developing alongside really creative people. From the 20 something kid who...
The Essential Traits Required By Anyone Who Wants To Lead
I suspect that if you are self-aware, you are looking for anything that can help you improve you as a leader, friend, person, mother/father and of course creatively. Leaders who continue to develop and maximize their gifts are leaders who are on a journey...
Why Throwing Away A Bad Ideas Costs You More Than You Believe
No one has ONLY good ideas. Stop buying that lie. We all have ideas; some of them are good, and some are bad – that’s life. Accept it. We must avoid the temptation to become “idea snobs.” Even bad ideas have potential and a place in our creative process....
How Your Creative Meeting Can be Better! Today!
I bet I can tell you how your creative meetings usually happen. About 3-7 people show up, most late, and we sit down. The pastor tells us about what we are talking about and everyone opens their computer and pulls up their Google browser. From that point,...
Why Your Idea Failed. Hint It Was Not The Idea It Was The Timing
Timing is vital to great leadership, great creativity, and momentum creating success. We live in the tension of innovation and output. We have to know when to share a new idea when to take chances, the right time to impose beliefs and create change. It...
If you are tired or feel stuck these simple rules will get you back on track!
Have you heard of Peter Diamandis? Peter is a graduate of MIT AND Harvard who now started the first private space flight organization taking civilians to the international space station, before Elon Musk. One of the most exciting things about Peter is his...
Why You Might Be A Jerk And Don’t Even Know It!
Has anyone ever told you about that friend who changed when the found success? You probably have experienced at least one time someone identifying how success, regardless of scale, "changed" this person. You know the story: someone we know is super cool,...
How To Stop Attracting Followers And Experience Amazing Growth
There are two types leaders. Those who attract followers or those who attract leaders. Talent is the natural part of leadership. You can buy talent, but you can't buy chemistry. Getting great talent to buy into the goal, the win, the team, the organization...
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